New series kicks off in Ataköy
KOMPLE-ATLET, a brand new contest for multi-eventers, unveiled at Ataköy Arena in 28-29 January. Turkish athletics calendar had a new competition series now. It's name KOMPLE-ATLET, which is saying evertyhing about it by name itself, is a three-stop series dedicated to multi-events. The series aiming to promote multi-events like decathlon, heptathlon and pentatlon, which are least successful events in Turkish athletics for many years. Turkey has not produced international decathletes or heptathletes before and took gold medals only at the Balkan Championships. At the first stage of KOMPLE-ATLET, a total of 58 contestant attended to the events with the groupings amongst U16, U18, U20 and seniors. Even with lack of attendance in seniors level, first stage still was distributed to hope for the future. For example, it was a great battle in junior women's event which won by Turkish U18 record holder Emine Selda Kırdemir. KOMPLE-ATLET Series will continue on 18-19 February and conclude at 1st of March with the National Multi Events Championships. In outdoor season, another three-leg series will start in late April.